■mr.chimpree [HOME] 投稿日:2009/10/24 (Sat) 04:19
-2009/10/24 (Sat) 04:35
-2009/10/24 (Sat) 04:41
-2009/10/24 (Sat) 07:32
犬以外の咲夜さんは珍しい気がする 相変わらずかわいい絵を描く人だ
■名無し -2009/10/24 (Sat) 08:20
-2009/10/24 (Sat) 09:31
No comment, but this is absolute WIN material! WHOEVER MADE THIS DID A FUCKING GOOD JOB!!
-2009/10/24 (Sat) 10:03
冠詞忘れてる上、時制も語順も滅茶苦茶。 しまむらのTシャツに書かれてる英文レベルっすね!
-2009/10/24 (Sat) 10:08
Sakuya the bunny is lovely. Her clothes is COOL!! I likes it.Hina and Nitori is...SWEEEEEEET! I vomit sugar!!よし、「うさき」に突っ込むの諦めた!ぶりてん語ムリ
-2009/10/24 (Sat) 11:18
LOLYou have nice sence. I want go crazy with her!XD
■ -2009/10/24 (Sat) 11:19
-2009/10/24 (Sat) 11:42
>冠詞忘れてる上、時制も語順も滅茶苦茶。スマソ 日本人っぽい英語すきくないし、 そもそも英語わかんねぇからつべの外人コメから適当なの拾ってきたんだが・・・
■チアゴ・シウバ -2009/10/24 (Sat) 12:25
-2009/10/24 (Sat) 13:10
the victim is me thank you sakuya-san
-2009/10/24 (Sat) 15:53
>usaki oh miss spell usagi
■給仕 -2009/10/24 (Sat) 17:22
うさくやかわいい 飼いたい
-2009/10/24 (Sat) 18:08
こう、外国の人と分り合えるって素晴らしいね gj!
■departed -2009/10/24 (Sat) 19:34
-2009/10/24 (Sat) 23:09
Yeah!Great pic! By the way, where do you live? I think the words written in your hand drawing is Thai.
-2009/10/24 (Sat) 23:15
Nice quality,cherish cunt!>∀< KILL!!KILL!! Usakuya go MURDER!! And fuck me.lol
■mr.chimpree [HOME] -2009/10/25 (Sun) 01:46
>usaki oh miss spell usagi -thank you so must ^^ By the way, where do you live? -yes i'm come from thailand -わたしは タイ人 です ^^
■Gunte -2009/10/25 (Sun) 03:04
Please let me do the word advice. Rabbit's ear should be made larger If you aim the acceptance of the Japanese. It sees it in snail's horn as it stands.
■pnp -2009/10/25 (Sun) 08:02
とても可愛いです。 癖になりそう。
■falken -2009/10/25 (Sun) 21:31
nice work
■dama -2009/10/26 (Mon) 03:23